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How to Join
ATARN is not a club or society, but has been registered as a small business in Hong Kong. It operates on a not-for-profit basis. Persons over the age of 13 years are invited to communicate your interest to participate by sending the following information to me by letter, fax or INTERNET email (see addresses below.) -
Name/title: Correspondence address:
Fax number;
INTERNET email address:
WWW home page:
Specific tradition of archery in which you have experience or are interested in carrying out research:
List of relevant publications, if any: Proposal to contribute materials or articles, if any:
If you wish to associate a club, society or association, please provide contact details and a description of your activities:
Contact addresses.
Stephen Selby (ATARN) Postal
Address: Flat A1, Cloudridge,
30, Plunkett's Road,
The Peak,
Hong Kong.
INTERNET email (interim)
Fax (Hong Kong) : (852)-2808-2887
ATARN does not have any membership fee.
Those who feel that they can afford to do so may make a small contribution to ATARN'S running costs. Access to the contents of will remain free of charge (although unless specifically stated otherwise, the material is copyright protected.)
As a guideline only, you might want to consider an annual sum of US$25. I would issue an official receipt for any sums offered. Sums more/less than that will be welcome. We shall publish full sets of accounts.
ATARN’s bank account details are:
Account name: (please quote the full name.) |
Asian Traditional Archery Research Network (ATARN) |
Bank: |
Hang Seng Bank Co, Ltd. Hong Kong. |
Account number: |
225-298009-001 |
SWIFT code: |
010-522 |
If you should wish to credit any funds to this account, please make sure you tell me specifically about it by email, fax or post.
Last up-dated: 13 May 2001