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This site is not intended for children aged 13 years or below.
The site of the Asian Traditional Archery Research Network ( is operated by Stephen Selby of A1, Cloudridge, 30 Plunkett's Road, The Peak, Hong Kong.
Members of the public from anywhere in the world who send their names, addresses, email addresses and other details to ATARN can expect their information to be entered into a database of members.
The database will be used as a mailing list to send out a news-letter approximately once a month. Members whose names are on the list will also be alerted by email to new material put up on the ATARN web page.
Member's personal information will be kept strictly confidential. It will not be revealed to any third party without the member's agreement in advance. It will not be available for bulk mailing or marketing purposes.
Members are entitled to inquire at any time about what personal data ATARN holds about them, and to ensure that the data is correct and up-to-date. Any member can request his personal data to be removed from ATARN's database at any time.
All inquiries about personal data should be sent to or by fax to (Hong Kong) 2808-2887.
Last up-dated 14 May, 2001